Career Services Coordinator Mitch Clingo meets with Career Ambassadors Alex Duarosan and Abdul Jaiyeola to talk about networking. A lot of students find the idea of networking to be intimidating, but sometimes it’s as simple as saying “hello”.
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Peer mentorship programs are a great way to get involved and network on campus. Check out all the peer mentorship programs on campus!
The Career and Experiential Learning department offers a Career Mentorship program which offers students the opportunity to speak to someone in the career they’re interested in.
For quick networking tips, check out the “How to network and chill” video.
One great way to network is by attending job fairs. Every year, the TRU Career and Experiential Learning Department hosts one of the largest post-secondary job fairs in BC, with over 80 employers and about 1,800 students attending each year.
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